Thursday, January 19, 2012

Throw It Together Thursday

Guten Tag Blog Buddies of Miss Karen.
It's me MA-kytah here to do today's Blog

Well - Miss Karen posted on her FB that she is now accustomed to Germany's time that she slept right through the alarm this morning.  She woke up at 8:00 a.m. Zach and Kin were still asleep so that means they were late for school.  And...............we were so so so late for our potty run.

Anyway - Miss Karen was rushing through her to do list and she made it clear that she was going to do her Throw It Together Thursday activity.  And Throw It Together she did.

We heard Miss Karen gripe about not having her stuff.  Yep - all our household goods will not arrive until March.  So Miss Karen makes the best of everything.  One thing she is determined to do is get accustomed to the electric range.  So today's activity: guessed it.  A recipe of Pets from Urban Hounds

It's called

Tuna Fish Treats

Woo Hoo look at Miss Karen whip it up and Throw It Together

Now.......because Miss Karen doesn't have all her "stuff" she had to alter the recipe and cook the yummies in a frying pan.  Aww look...........she let us "look" at the batter.
As you can see my tongue hangeth over.


We are suppose to bake the recipe but Miss Karen's baking pans "are on its way" so she made the batter to pancake consistency and dropped them in the pan.  No cooking oil becuase we still have to maintain our weight.

See out ears?  We can hear the treats sizzle in the pan and the smell is oh so yummy.


Flip em over.





  1. looks good enough to eat i may say...

  2. WE are so incredibly flattered that you made our treats. Thinks like that absolutely make our day.
